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Earthquake Protection of Building Equipment and Systems


کتاب جدید

Earthquake Protection of Building Equipment and Systems ebook and pdf format for download

جزییات بیشتر


300,000 ریال

افزودن به لیست دلخواه


شابک 9780784411520
نویسنده Jeffrey A. Gatscher; Gary L. McGavin; Philip J. Caldwell
ناشر ASCE
سال 2013
فرمت کتاب E-book
نام فایل isbn-en-9780784411520

اطلاعات بیشتر

Earthquake Protection of Building Equipment and Systems pdf for download ebook

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Earthquake Protection of Building Equipment and Systems

Earthquake Protection of Building Equipment and Systems

Earthquake Protection of Building Equipment and Systems ebook and pdf format for download

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